Paediatric First Aiders:

Amanda Barnes, Susie Betley, Yvonne Burton, Gemma Lewis, Debbie McTigue, Hayley Gamble

All staff are First Aid trained, including managing asthma and the use of adrenaline auto-injectors for anaphylaxis. For children with diabetes, the child’s allocated diabetes nurse can train staff specifically for the individual.

If your child has a minor accident at school, we will administer the required first aid (usually cleaning a cut and adding a plaster or providing a cold compress for a bump) and record this on our first aid forms. We give this form to the child to give to their parent at the end of the day. If your child attends an after school club please check their bags. For younger children in EYFS we will pass these forms directly to the adult collecting the child.

If your child receives a bump to the head or face, we will always send a text alerting the parent to this, in addition to the first aid form.

For more serious injuries, such as a significant bump to the head, we will phone the parent and explain was has happened and recommend they take their child to be checked out at A&E or the GP.

In a medical emergency, staff will phone 999 and ensure an ambulance is on its way prior to contacting the parent and asking them to come to the school.

Any child requiring the administering of medicine during the school day, for example an asthma pump or adrenaline auto-injectors must have a completed Individual Health Care Plan, which can request from the school office. You MUST alert the school to any allergies your child has.

For further information, please see the relevant policies: