At Layston First School, our pupils undergo statutory assessments:

  • at the end of the EYFS (reception) stage where children are assessed against the 7 areas of learning. This is called the Early Years Foundations Stage Profile – EYFSP;
  • in the summer term of Year 1 children complete the Phonics Screening Check (this is repeated in Y2 for children who did not pass in Y1);
  • in the summer term of Y4 children participate in a Multiplication Tables Check -MTC.

The results of these are shared with parents in the annual report in July. The local authority also collect our data to compare with other schools and settings, locally as well as nationally. As a school, this data re-affirms what we already know about our children’s progress and attainment and we use it to inform planning and interventions going forward. 

EYFSP – 2023-24 60% achieved a Good Level of Development (GLD)

Y1 – 2023-24  62% passed Phonics Screening Check (pass mark 32/40)

Click on the link below to view the school’s performance tables on the Department for education website:

Click on the link below to view performance data compared with other schools: