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At Layston, we want our children to feel safe, happy and enjoy coming to school. Our attendance target is 96% but we are always aiming for 100%. Research suggests that missed sessions are directly linked to a drop in achievement; the greater the attendance, the greater the progress and achievement.
Good Attendance
Having high attendance will help to give your child the best possible start in life. This is why we believe it is so important to attend school every day.
- Learning is a progressive activity; each day’s lessons build upon those of the previous day(s).
- Lessons include discussions and hands on experiences which are missed by those who are absent.
Did you know that if a child’s attendance is at 90% that is equivalent to missing half a day of school each week? Having 90% attendance throughout 5 years at primary school is equal to missing half of an academic year! So 90% is not ideal.
What can parents/carers do to increase their child’s attendance?
- Talk regularly with your child about school and how they feel. They are more likely to attend if they feel supported and any anxieties they may have are listened to.
- Phone us as soon as possible to tell us why your child is absent and when you expect them to return. Putting the school number in your phone can save you some time.
- Only allow days at home for genuine illness.
- Avoid taking holidays or short breaks during term time.
- Know the routines of the school day to prepare your child effectively.
- Encourage punctuality – doors to classrooms are opened at 8:45am and are closed at 9.00am. Registers are taken at 8:45am. This allows registers to be called and for school to start promptly. Arrival after 9:10 am, unless there is a satisfactory explanation, is recorded as an unauthorised absence (late after registers close). The afternoon registers are open 1:00-1:10pm for YR-Y2 and 1:15-1:25pm for KS2, and again, unless there is a satisfactory explanation, lateness will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.
- Praise and reward good attendance.
Lateness matters too
Lateness both to school and to lessons is strongly discouraged so that valuable learning time is not missed. There is a clear link between attendance and attainment; the more time a pupil spends in school the more likely they are to improve their opportunity to fulfil their full potential.
What do I do if my child is going to be late?
We do appreciate that in certain circumstances, such as transport problems, lateness cannot be avoided.
- If your child is going to be late (i.e. after 9:00am) for any reason, including medical appointments, please telephone the school office prior to the appointment. This will enable us to keep our attendance registers accurate.
- Upon arrival, you must sign your child in at the office so that there is a record of his/her presence in the building. It is always better to come to school later than not at all, so please ring first so that we know if there has been an emergency.
Pick up time
Children should be collected promptly at the end of the school day. It causes children distress when they are left waiting at the office wondering where their parents are. If you are going to be late for any reason, please call the school office so that we can reassure your child. The children finish at: 3.15pm.
How we celebrate attendance in school
Weekly Attendance
At Layston, we celebrate attendance weekly in our celebration collective worship. The class with the highest weekly attendance wins the Layston School attendance award.(Note: Attendance period covers from a Friday through to a Thursday.)
Termly Attendance
We award termly attendance certificates to children at the end of every term.
Gold = 100% attendance
Silver = 98-99% attendance
Bronze = 97% attendance.
Designated Senior Lead for Safeguarding & CP: Adele McMurrough
Deputy Designated Senior Lead for Safeguarding & CP: Susie Betley & Helen Wilcox
Our Designated Governor for Safeguarding & CP: Bryan Mason
Layston C of E First School prioritise the welfare of all children.
Safeguarding is what we do ensure the safety and well-being of every child. Children have the right to be cared for and protected, and protecting them is everyone’s responsibility. It is essential to respond if you see something that concerns you. Safeguarding covers everything we do to minimise risk and prevent abuse or mistreatment.
Child protection is what we do when we know that a child is at risk of harm, abuse or mistreatment.
Please see Child Protection policy for more information and key contacts.
Designated Teachers (DT) for Children Looked After (CLA):
Adele McMurrough & Susie Betley
Our Designated Governor for CLA:
Bryan Mason
Layston C of E First School work closely with Herts Virtual School to ensure tailored provision for children looked-after and children previously looked-after is in place. Please see below the principles we follow and strive for in our school.
Click on the link below to view the Adoption Handbook.
Adoption Handbook
We use the Department of Education to guide the designated teachers for looked-after and previously looked-after children on statutory guidance on their roles and responsibilities.
Click on the link below to view the DfE guidance.
Statutory guidance for the designated teacher for looked-after and previously looked-after children
- Accessibility plan
- Admissions
- Anti-bullying
- Anti-Bribery Policy
- Attendance
- Behaviour & discipline
- Capability
- Charging & remissions
- Child Looked After
- Child Protection
- Children with medical conditions
- Children who cannot attend school for medical reasons
- Code of Conduct
- Complaints Draft
- Data Protection / GDPR
- Early Career Teacher
- Equality scheme Draft
- First Aid
- Health & safety
- Lettings Policy
- Online safety
- Pay Policy Draft
- Remote Learning
- RE Policy
- Safer recruitment
- School Uniform Policy
- Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural Development Policy
- Teaching & Learning
- Visitors
- Volunteers
- Whistleblowing