As part of our nurturing ethos and in line with the six principles of nurture, we recognise “transitions as significant in the lives of children.” Change is a normal part of life and provides opportunities for children to develop their resilience, however it can also be a time of increased uncertainty and anxiety. Whether a child is joining us at Layston, moving between year groups or moving on to their next educational setting, the transition period is carefully planned and managed in order for it to be smooth and effective for the child.
Normal induction events
New to Reception
- In the autumn and early spring terms the head teacher and deputy headteacher give a presentation, and a tour of the school is hosted by our Y4 pupils. This takes place before Reception applications. All admissions applications are dealt with by the local authority.
- In the summer term a welcome and starter pack is sent out to those with a place. We also provide an induction meeting for our new families carried out by the head teacher and Early Years team.
- Visits in small groups with a parent happen on a specified date in the summer term for children to familiarise themselves with the setting and staff. A member of the Early Years team will also visit your child in their current nursery setting during the summer term.
- There is a transition day for all Rib Valley schools in July where children visit their new schools/classes. The new Reception cohort visit without their parents for part of the morning and are collected at midday.
- At the end of the summer holidays staff make a welcome video of the classroom which is posted on to Tapestry and the school website for parents to view with their child prior to returning, letting children know we are looking forward to seeing them again.
- The first week in September is dedicated to getting to know our new families, so the children attend school in the morning and staff do home visits in the afternoons.
- A ‘Meet the Teacher’ session is arranged for parents in the first half term to discuss routines, school learning, home learning and answer any questions.
In school class transitions
- There is a transition day for all Rib Valley schools in July where children visit their new schools/classes. For children already at Layston they visit their new teacher for part of the morning. Any child with additional needs will have already had an opportunity to meet the teacher and TA and get to know the classroom several times before this day.
- At the end of the summer holidays staff make a welcome video of the classroom which is posted on to the school website for parents to view with their child prior to returning, letting children know we are looking forward to seeing them again.
- A ‘Meet the Teacher’ session is arranged for parents in the first half term to discuss routines, school learning, home learning and answer any questions.
Transitions from Layston to their next school
- There is a transition day for all Rib Valley schools in July where children visit their new schools/classes. For children moving on to a middle school, they spend the day at their new school. However, prior to this the SENDCo and Y4 class teacher will have spoken to the receiving school sharing key information.
- Members of the Y5 team from Edwinstree and Ralph Sadleir will have visited Y4 at Layston prior to the transition day.
- For any child with additional needs, additional opportunities to visit their new school prior to this transition day can be arranged.
- At the end of the summer term Y4 present a Leaver’s assembly and enjoy a Leaver’s BBQ as part of their healthy goodbyes.